From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Snackday

Oh my friends, today was Super Bowl Sunday and there was nothing super about it except for the amount of food that I managed to put away. I was so determined this morning that I was going to eat healthy and moderately. I even brought some healthy snacks to my sister’s house so I would have some better alternatives to the potato chips, dip, Doritos, and assorted sweets that I knew would be standards on the snack table. Then I got there and proceeded to eat all of my snacks and then moved on into sampling other things on the table. My eating wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it could have been but I still failed to keep my resolve. I keep reminding myself that it wasn’t that bad, it didn’t turn into the ugly binge I have been known to fall into. Yet the thing that bothers me is that I recognized the kind of eating I was doing. It was “eating because the food is there” eating. I have spent the last twenty-something odd super bowls hovered over the snack table. So today when I went to my sister’s house that familiar urge to eat took over and I assumed the familiar position of vulture at the snack table regardless of actual hunger. I think on top of feeling disappointed in my eating, I’m disappointed in my exercising too. The other night I was just too tired to workout so I decided to give myself a night off. I figured maybe my body was trying to tell me that it needed some rest. Since then I have come up with some really good excuses not to workout this week. I hate how quickly I fall back into old patterns. I had really wanted to have a good week this week because next week is going to be really rough. I’m coming up against some major deadlines at work and I’ll be working some long hours in the next couple of days. I feel tired already just thinking about it. Sorry guys, I know I sound pretty down in the dumps. Did I mention that I get really bad PMS? I get really bad PMS! In fact, as I proof read this post and see that nothing in it is even remotely funny or interesting, I realize that the above has been written by TOM. (and TOM is a bitch without a sense of humor!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you like knitting or crocheting or anything? I spent most of the Superbowl working on my knitting project while half-watching (or maybe quarter-watching?) the game and pretending to be sociable.

It's hard to eat when your hands are full of needles and yarn... which didn't keep me from snagging extras when I got up to stretch and such, but... was better than the alternative "eating because I'm bored / in a an uncomfortable social situation" (at a party where I didn't know most of the guests).

1:37 PM  
Blogger tash said...

I think you should think of all the wins you've had, think about how that made you feel and forget about the superbowl madness. Tell yourself that episode is over and that you're human, and you learn from past actions. Tell yourself you have a year more to come up with a more effective strategy for counteracting that eeevil snack table and all the ghoulie snacks on it. Chin up!

3:48 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

Hi Lynne, I have been offline for a week so have just been catching up with what you have been up to.

Like Tash says you should think of all of your wins - you lost 11 pounds last month fantastic, a friend noticed you are looking thinner fantastic, you have put in a great effort for the last month fantastic.

Dont let one day, or even one week be the end of all that great stuff. Move on and focus on what you are going to do next, not what you did yesterday as you cant change the past, but you do have control over the future.

And dont forget you are not alone, everything you have written in your last post is something that I have struggled with too, and many others I suspect as well.

Look forward, you can do this.

2:34 PM  

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