From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm Sensitive, Please Don't Hurt My Fillings

I had to have some fillings done today. I first have to start off by explaining that I have an irrational fear of the dentist. I have very sensitive teeth in general; heat, cold and sweets can sometimes bother my teeth. In addition to extreme sensitivity, in the past when I’ve had fillings I have always been able to feel the drill no matter how numbed up they try to get me. My dad has the same problem as I do (funnily enough, when we both smile you can tell that him and I have the exact same teeth. Genetics are so interesting.) I’ve also had a couple of crappy dentists over the years, which has only increased my fears. My last dentist told me that I was just nervous and that all I was feeling was pressure from the drill. I tried to tell him that the pressure isn’t what bothers me, I’m fine with the pressure, it’s the incessant pain of drilling into my half-numbed tooth that was irksome. Every time they used the little water spout or the air blower thingy (sorry, I don’t know the technical terms) it was like having ice cold shot directly on to the nerve. So when I told him that I felt it he looked at me puzzled and said, “You shouldn’t be feeling that.” Which of course made me want to tell him, “Yeah, no shit.” But as he was the one holding the drill, I thought I’d keep that last comment to myself. Anyways, this experience is pretty much what most of my experiences with dentists have been like and that has led to me religiously brushing and flossing in the hopes that I will never have to suffer through anything more than twice a year check-ups. ”Preventative measures” is my motto when it comes to my teeth! But last Monday at my check up with my new dentist they found a cavity. They said “Well, we’ll have you back in on Thursday for a filling.” Which to my little fearful brain sounds like, “Well, we’ll have you back in on Thursday for unbearably cruel and traumatizing torture.” Luckily, this new dentist was very accommodating to my fears and he prescribed me a heavy duty sedative before the procedure. First, let me say, that there was one time where I vaguely felt the drill but I was so loopy it wasn’t even an issue. I mean I was really that out of it. My husband drove me there and after the filling was done drove me home where I proceeded to sleep for four hours. Yep, that was some heavy duty stuff. So later on I woke up and my husband was getting ready to leave. I asked him if he would take my car and fill it up with gas to which he cracked up laughing and reminded me that we stopped for gas after the filling. Me: No we didn’t! Him: (Laughing) Yes, we did! Me: I don’t really remember that… Him: Yes, we stopped at the gas station near the dentist’s office. It was next to the Panda Express. Don’t you remember telling me how much you loved Panda Express and how you wished there was one closer to the house and then you told me how many calories are in the orange chicken? Me: (Shocked) I do kind of remember that! I was going on about how unfair that Panda is so high in calories and that I sure would love to take some home right now! So evidently, even half-drugged and fresh out of a dental procedure, I still am thinking about food! I may not remember where I am but I can tell you the calorie content of fried rice per serving!


Blogger dianka said...

i have exactly opposite problem. i'm petrified of needles so i've never had local anesthetic while having a filling/milk teeth extraction. i've never actually had a needle in my mouth ever.

however, i had a plastic surgery about two months ago and needed to have a filling done a week after the surgery. i was feeling so confident after having a blood test and general anesthetic and scared it would really hurt as a bit of my tooth fell off that i asked my dentist to give me anesthetic but to tell me before he injects every time so i could close my eyes and not see the needle. he agreed.
then he looked at the tooth and said 'are you sure you want the anesthetic because it's only a little cavity' so of course i said i didn't want it then.
he drilled and drilled, i could feel it every now and then and after a while he said 'you know, i should have given you the anesthetic. how often do i have a chance to stab you?' haha he knows he's not going to have another chance ever again :D

so yes, that's my story. sorry it was so long :)

5:15 AM  
Blogger Jen C. said...

This is hilarious Lynne! :-) Leave it to us food obsessed types to be able to remember the exact calorie content of any food at the most inopportune moments! I can just see it now, being chased through the woods by a hungry bear...
Us: Stop! Don't eat me, Mr. Bear, don't you know how many calories you'd be consuming!? ;-)
Have a great weekend, Lynne! And don't fret about those teeth. I'm sure they'll be fixed up and as good as new in no time!

7:04 AM  
Blogger PatL said...

I used to not have problems with getting numbed up, but as I've gotten older it's become more difficult. It's just the bottom jaw that won't be numbed, the top jaw is OK.

About 5 years ago I needed to have a tooth crowned. No way you can do that without being numb, so I had to go to a different dentist who does general anesthesia. It cost a fortune! The next time I have to go under, I'm going to tell them to crown every darn tooth and get it over with!

3:59 PM  
Blogger FatMom said...

Yikes! So, how did it go?? Oh, and many calories ARE there in that delish orange chicken? I'm afraid to know, but...go ahead, tell me...

7:03 PM  
Blogger Lynne said...

Hey, everybody!
Yes, my teeth feel fantastic. It makes me wish that I had known that I could take a sedative for previous fillings; it would have saved me a lot of pain and anxiety!

Oh, and ok brace yourself Fatmom, but a serving (5.5 ounces) of Panda's orange chicken is 500 calories. When I usually eat there I get the two-entree special (both entrees orange chicken) with vegetable chow mein. That actually weighs in at 1,390 calories for that meal. 1,390 calories and that's just for a lunch or a dinner! When you add in eating a breakfast, a couple of snacks, a lunch and then that for dinner, you start talking thousands of calories consumed in one day. So, yes it is definitely special occasion to splurge to go to Panda!

9:13 PM  
Blogger Wendell said...

I am afraid of both dentists and needles so dental prodecures are hell for me too. It's worse here in the UK - dentists aren't Dr. they're Mr. or Ms. and they can't prescribe drugs. And GET THIS - you don't go to an endodontist for a root canal - you go to Mr Dentist. And - no gas! NO GAS!!! I had a root canal here with just the novacaine you get for a regular filling. I wouldn't move over here if I were you... unless you could afford private dentistry (as opposed to NHS) - maybe that's better...

Anyway, after being here, I think I'll feel a lot better about going to the dentist in the US. It will be like flying first class after taking the bus for 8 years.

2:48 AM  

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