From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Size Matters / Matters Of Size

I have a friend who is super teeny tiny; she can’t be more than 5’2” and if I had to guess, I’d say she wears a size zero and doesn’t weigh more than 100 pounds. We always sit next to each other in class and I have to admit I secretly really find her size fascinating. I just always wonder what it’s like to be on the opposite side of the spectrum that I rest on now; what’s it like to be undersized compared to everyone else around you? I definitely am familiar with being the largest sized girl in the room, what’s it like to be the smallest? During class last night I noticed that she hardly takes up any space on her chair. She’s one of those girls who can sit in a desk chair and bring her knees up to her body with enough room for her feet to rest on the chair seat. (Is that confusing? That was the best way I could describe it, basically she can hug her knees and all of her body including her feet are on the chair seat) I just find that amazing. My ass doesn’t really even fit on the chair so forget trying to pull my feet up on there too! I know that throughout class I’m always trying to suck my tummy in, adjust my shirt to make sure no fat rolls are showing, and worrying about my thighs hanging over the edge of the chair. Downplaying your fatness can be a full time job. Basically my goal whenever in public is just trying to make sure that there isn’t fat spilling out all over the place. So I find myself fascinated by how the other half lives and therefore I often spend time observing. I notice that people often comment on her size, from giving her a good natured hard time about it amongst all us friends to matter of fact remarks about how small she is. Which makes me think, yes I may be fat but at least nobody is constantly telling me things about it. I just wonder if comments like that can be annoying for her or if because being very petite isn’t a "bad" thing to be by society standards, she doesn’t really think too much about everyone’s constant notice of it. I don’t really have a point with this post, I’m just going over some of the random thoughts that pop into my head when I start to get bored after a few hours of class!


Blogger Kathryn said...

One of my sister's friends is tiny and she works at a local supermarket. She constantly gets asked if she's anorexic along with other comments on her size. It can really upset her because she has health problems and *wants* to put on weight.

I think any comments on people's body size are impolite, whether the person is fat or thin.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fascinates me too... when a person can pull their feet up onto the chair as well, and just curl up... on a normal kitchen-type chair. Mind-boggling.

10:33 AM  
Blogger M@rla said...

I have a friend who is nearly six feet tall and weighs maybe 145. Plus she's gorgeous and looks like a model. One time we went to a club, and naturally we both went to the bathroom together. She threaded her way through the chairs, which were very close together, and I literally couldn't pass through, because my ass was not only too big, but it was too short to be above the height of the table tops. That was one of my most embarassing moments ever, but it was also one of those moments when I realized how much EASIER life is when you're not fat.

2:46 PM  
Blogger tash said...

Hello lovely girl!! I so know what you mean about always being concious of how much space you take up compared to other people. I have a few asian descent friends who are so teeny-tiny that whenever I'm around them I feel like a giant and with one false move I could crush them, so usually try to be a lot more carefull around them. Keeping the fat from spilling over really is a full time job somethimes. I loved that line.

1:07 AM  

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