From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Fast Food Friends

I am a fast food junkie. If McDonald’s had a Christmas card list then I would definitely be on it. I am also a creature of habit. Sometimes I get a craving for something and I can often eat the same thing for days in a row until I move on to the next craving. Before reforming my eating ways I used to stop at the Burger King almost everyday after work. Pretty much every Monday through Friday at 5:30 my happy ass was in line at the BK, home of the Whopper. My favorite thing to order was their Cherry Icee. After many months of being a faithful customer, the crew began to recognize me. The lady who operated the window took a particular liking to me. Every time I drove through she would always say, “Oh, mija! Como estas? ¿Necessitas servilletas?” (Oh, my child! How are you? Do you need napkins?) She used to split her shift between two BK’s and when I switched jobs I found that she was also working at the location near my new job.

On some days the BK lady would see me twice. If I wasn’t visiting BK on my lunch break I was hitting up McDonalds. That lady also began to recognize me. (Yes I realize how “fat girl” that sounds!)

So one day I went to pick up lunch with my friend. I wanted Burger King and she wanted McDonalds so we decided to drive-thru both. At the BK the lady who knows me was working. So of course I got, “Hola mija! Quieres una Icee?” (Hello my child! Do you want an Icee?). So my friend says, “Oh does she know you?” and I tell her, “I’ve gotten to know her because she sees me in the drive-thru a lot.” So then we went through the McDonalds and of course that lady says, “Oh, sweetie! How’s your day going? Here’s your food, I’ll see you later!” My friend looks at me amazed and says, “Let me guess, she knows you because she sees you in the drive-thru a lot!”

That day still makes me laugh a little now just because it is a silly situation BUT I’m glad that I don’t eat like that anymore. I have stopped eating at fast food places for many reasons: it costs a small fortune, I am afraid of a moment of weakness at the ordering window and because I can definitely make fresher, healthier choices at home. More than anything though, who wants to be known for eating crap food everyday? I'd rather have more interesting qualities.

(By the way, I do have to wonder if my drive-thru buddies are missing me and wondering where I am. I’m such a dork; I get sentimental about the strangest things!)

... Also, thank you to rete for her information in the comments of the 'splitting hairs' post. D-DD boobs can weigh about 25-30 pounds! Wow, that's amazing! I am a full C and I was estimating 5-6 pounds for both, I was weigh off. (Sorry for the pun, I couldn't resist!)


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