From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Half Full Or Half Empty? Both Suck!

I've been doing really great on my eating lately. Making the right choice in foods has not been difficult. Instead it is my old nemesis, portion size, that I am battling. I was eating a really healthy meal yesterday. I was pretty proud of myself because I was enjoying it and not feeling like I was sacrificing taste for healthier food. Yet I got halfway through my meal, looked down at my plate and had the sudden panicky feeling that my food was half gone and I was still ravenously hungry. Let's analyze this. There are times when I’m hungry after I’ve eaten and this has lead to some weird irrational fear of being hungry and unsatisfied after a meal. Talk about a weird phobia! They could probably book me on Dr. Phil for that kind of shit. This fear (halffullstomachaphobia?) leads to a tendency to over-order at restaurants and put too much food on my plate when I serve myself. I always clean my plate when I eat instead of paying attention to when I’m full; I just eat until there’s no more. So last night I finished my meal and of course I was still hungry. Not starving, shaky, “Hey I’m going to fall down!” hunger but “Boy I sure wish I wasn’t in public because I would love to lick my plate” hunger. Is this the feeling of “pleasantly full” that I keep hearing about? If so, it’s not as satisfying as the term “pleasantly full” would lead you to believe! In the past I have usually aimed for “sickeningly stuffed” but last night I avoided that. After I ate my meal I didn’t hunt around for something else to munch on. Maybe one day I’ll get to a point where eating is something that I do to keep my body healthy and running, not a hobby. Last night was a good starting point.


Blogger Denise said...

What you're describing really is one of the toughest parts of changing your eating habits. When you're used to eating until you're very, very full, stopping when you're still comfortable and not ill can be tough. I find that if I focus very intently on the biting, chewing, and swallowing with the tastes and smells and such, that it's not so hard to recognize when I'm done.

Keep up the good work, you're doing great!

5:51 PM  
Blogger Argy said...

I have lost a lot of weight, I still have to loose some, and portion control has been my problem all the way. This was actually the reason I started using every vegetable available on earth to make my dishes look colourful and
Use veggies in cooking...make a veggie stir fry with no fat in it and amuse yourself with eating enough of the good stuff.

It is hard, but there is proof it is done Lynne!

Welcome to the blogland...there is a whole bunch of us to get support and give support to!

11:45 PM  
Blogger starfish264 said...

I know that this is late in the day, and you may not see this comment - but I can certainly identify with what you're saying. I used to panic if I didn't get a full evening meal that I'd be hungry all night. The only resolution I have found is to have the smaller portion whilst clearly promising myself that if I'm still hungry afterwards I can have some more food. I shall have to continue reading to see how you did!

4:23 AM  

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