From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Lend Me Some Sugar, I Am Your Neighbor

Thanks to everyone here in fatblogtown who have welcomed me to the neighborhood! I appreciate all my good neighbors out there who came to visit and say hello. It feels good to know I am not alone when it comes to losing the weight. I promise to be a good neighbor to you all. I’ll take my lights down after Christmas, bring my trashcans in after garbage day, no loud parties, update regularly, and if my dog poops in your yard, I’ll totally clean it up. Also, if you ever need to borrow some sugar, know that I’ll always have a cup of non-caloric, non-carb sweetener just for you. I’ll also make sure I pop by to visit you because that’s what good neighbors do!

So both Denise and Silverella made some good points in their comments. Learning portion control really requires learning how to eat altogether. My eating habits right now really are atrocious and I know that I need to work on them. Years of working crazy hours, going to school full time and yo-yo dieting have left me with some bad habits. I often eat standing up. I usually eat meals quickly, while working/surfing the net/talking on the phone/driving (Not all at the same time). If I’m not performing this juggling act then I’m sitting on the couch mindlessly flipping channels/stuffing my mouth. Either way, I’m not focusing on my food and my level of fullness. Tomorrow I’m going to try and change this. I’ll let you know how it goes!


Blogger PatL said...

Hey,Lynne, good to meet you! I'm excited to have found your blog right when you're first starting it. I reader weight loss-type blogs (although they're rarely just about weight loss) as a means of keeping my own motivation up. But you're the first one that I've happened upon just as it was starting up. I'm happy to be following your journey!

I have just 20 pounds to lose, but they're hard ones for me, as I'm quite a bit older. I'm so glad you're starting while you're in your twenties, while you still have a metabolism! :o)

I've definitely found as I've gone along this weight loss road that as time passes, I become more aware of that moment when I've really had enough. I rejoiced today when I was having lunch and, having had a roll and a small salad, I realized I was actually satisfied with just the first piece of my pizza. Huzzah! Normally it would be half the pizza gone before I would notice I wasn't hungry any more.

Some of my tricks are:
- lots of Diet Coke (I try to drink the stuff with Splenda because aspartame can build up and make my joints ache)
- allowing myself small but yummy snacks, like one delicious chocolate truffle or one of those 100-calorie bags of Nabisco treats. If I let myself get too hungry, I eat everything in sight.
- reading, reading, reading! Blogs, books, magazines, not so much for information, but more for motivation. The lastest book I've found that is really interesting and helpful is "Thin For Life: 10 Keys to Success from People Who Have Lost Weight and Kept It Off "

Anyway, I'm excited for you that you've taken the first steps. Everyone has their own course to success and I'm sure you'll find your own. Here's to the journey!!

1:42 PM  

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