From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chili Dog? More Like Chili Hog

Last night I was craving chili cheese fries and a chili dog so badly. I didn’t get home until almost 10 o’clock and by then I was so hungry that I was no longer thinking straight. So off my husband and I went to the drive-thru to get our fix. It was so good and it totally hit the spot but it made me feel guilty afterwards as it set me 250 calories over my target range. Sometimes when you eat like crap you know exactly why you did it and then there are other times where after the haze clears you’re left wondering what just happened. You went all day with intentions of being good and doing the right thing and then in what seems like a matter of moments you find yourself on the other side of an empty fast food container, plastic fork still in hand, confused as to why you did what you just did. I don’t know if it’s the time of year, the change in weather, the chaos of my schedule or all of the above plus more but it seems like this happens more often lately than it used to. I hate when I think I've gotten a handle on something only to see that it's still there, lurking under the surface! I figure I must be learning something though, my husband asked if I wanted to split one of the extra chili dogs he had ordered and I said no. That’s a small victory considering that in the past I would have taken him up on that offer in a heartbeat. Yep, small steps, guys.


Blogger Jocelyn said...

I figure those old behaviours are always going to be there under the surface lurking, but the longer we live a healthy lifestyle the less often these behaviours see the light of day, and also the less damage they cause when they do.

But as you said, you have learned something, you stopped when you realised what you were doing, and didnt just continue like in the old days.

Just like all of the little bad habits that slowly make us fat, its all these little good things that make the difference in the end to our success.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Future Me said...

Bad Lynne! Don't call yourself a hog! You are too funny. I know you feel like you messed up, but you said it yourself, it's the baby steps.

You have made such great progress, look at you, you wear a size 2! How amazing is that. I am proud of you for recognizing your mistakes, and but also recognizing how far you've come. You rock lady!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

And it is the little steps that get us where we need to be - or at least facing the right direction. Sometimes you just gotta get your food in, and I bet in the past you would not have given two hoots that you were over some 'calorie range'. Would you have been interested in the calories? Would you have thought twice about eating it? Would you just be finishing off another day of crap food with a chili dog and fries? OK, you had a little blip in your track, but I bet it is SO different to your old 'track'. And who was it who recently said she was wearing a size 2? ; ) You're doing the right thing most of the time, and that is awesome.

9:36 PM  
Blogger FatMom said...

Hey, you know what? It's the small steps that add up to one BIG journey! You're doing fine! Now, just remember how awful you felt after those dogs last night...and maybe (not always, but sometimes) you'll decide against it next time.

4:11 PM  
Blogger M@rla said...

Those darn chili dogs! I know what you mean, though. That's the major drawback to WL; it's easy to undo hours of work in minutes. Heck, DAYS of work in minutes. It hardly seems fair.

The good part, though, is that really it just seems that way: one less-than-perfect meal won't have any big effect. I think you can congratulate yourself for how much you've accomplished!

4:39 AM  

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