From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Different Kind Of Sick

Boy, what a crappy weekend after the crappy week I’ve had! The cold that I had really took it out of me. I actually still have traces of it lingering with me. Sometimes I get sick and I get well enough to resume normal life but I don’t quite shake the cold completely. This is one of those colds. Yet the cold was nothing compared to what happened yesterday. I don’t know if it was food poisoning or if it was my body’s reaction to a week of small amounts of food and then large amounts of crappy eating but I spent yesterday sick as a dog. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for my dad’s birthday. I love me some Cheesecake Factory! I indulged in the taquito appetizers, the honey oat bread with lots of butter and then dove head first into my Chicken Thai Pasta. Then we went back to my mom and dad’s house where we ate the double layer double chocolate cake I had made for my dad. I also had a few Twinkies. It was wonderful and decadent and a prelude to disaster. How do I say this delicately without grossing you all out? Everything I ate yesterday came right back up. It was horrible, awful, indescribable! I hate to throw up more than anything! I will fight it, even if I know it would make me feel better, just to avoid it. Yet yesterday, there was no controlling it. I was sick several times and then had to make the thirty minute car drive from my mom and dad’s house to my own, seat laid down and moaning and groaning the whole way. On top of everything, my mom had sent half the cake home for my husband and that’s all I could smell the whole ride home. It was the longest car ride ever. Yuck! I woke up this morning feeling like I had just received a major ass kicking and surprisingly hungry as all get out. I wonder who else would have food poisoning all night and then wake up hungry the next day. I guess I am never long deterred from my passion for food! You know how some people eat something and if sickness coincides with the eating of that food, they no longer like that food? My dad developed an aversion to Hot Doritos after eating them right before he came down with the flu. My sister got food poisoning off of jalapeno poppers and will now no longer touch the suckers. Me? I don’t blame the food; even after yesterday, I will still continue to love Cheesecake Factory food, chocolate cake and Twinkies. Any other time where I have been sick, the food remains my friend. I don’t know, it’s a gift, a curse, an oddity so typical me. Well, I'm off to take a midterm exam that I am woefully unprepared for. Tomorrow I'm going to gather myself together and as my lovely blogger buddies jen and alea put it, "get back on that horse". Blog to you later!


Blogger Anne said...

Good for you for getting back on that horse! Tomorrow is another day. One bite at a time.

5:48 PM  
Blogger tash said...

oh, you poor chicken! (ever since moving to australia I have accepted the fact that terms such as "chicken" and "possum" amongst others are terms of endearment...go figure!) glad to read you are feeling semi better, don't let that horse throw you girl!
BTW, I really loved the pics! they were awesome, you are gorgeous!! not coming on to you or anything...well maybe just a little ;)ha! ha! will send you some of me whenever i get a chance to download them onto the net.

4:45 AM  
Blogger Wendell said...

'I wonder who else would have food poisoning all night and then wake up hungry the next day.' Over here! Reading your post was like hearing myself think - we have a lot in common! I also hate vomitting more than enduring the excruciating pain and nausea that could easily be fixed by 'letting go'. So stomach flu for me is TORTURE. And I don't have an aversion to anything either! Glad you're feeling slightly better - hope you're 100% soon. Also glad you're back - I came over to leave a 'Lynne where are you?' type message and was very glad to see your post!!

3:06 AM  

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