From Lynne to Lean

This is my journey from Lynne to lean. My new year's resolution is the same I've had most of my adult life: To lose weight. I also resolved to start doing things that I would normally be afraid of doing. This weblog is where these two resolutions converge.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Water, Not Just For Bathing

I’m drinking a lot of water lately (astronomical amounts for me)! I have a bottle that I fill up at least 4 times throughout the day giving me roughly around 60 ounces a day. I’d like to drink more but I absolutely hate drinking water and I have to force myself to get even one bottle down. (As is the story of my life, I don’t seem to like anything that isn’t sweet and artificially flavored.) But I’m not really willing to try and mix in any flavoring because that’s just too much fake sweetener in a day for me. I’m hoping that instead I’ll get into the habit of drinking lots of water and that it will take off a few extra pounds as well as leaving me feeling refreshed and detoxified. Detoxified, I like that word. It makes me imagine that a superhero wearing an aqua blue lycra jumpsuit would show up at my house with a sparkletts water jug strapped to his back. He’d proudly watch me gulp down a bottle and then tell me, “You’ve been detoxified, Lynne! Remember, water is your friend!” and then we’d all do the, “Thanks Captain H20!” in unison as he set off to hydrate another thirsty citizen. The only problem is that these daily visits from Captain H2O have left me having to go to the potty every twenty minutes. On the plus side, I figure all that extra running to and forth from the potty is probably burning calories!


Blogger Denise said...

Water: The Double Whammy! Yes, you will reap many benefits from extra water, not the least of which is the additional activity provided. Try choosing a rest room that's further away. (Or not, depending.)

3:26 PM  
Blogger Wendell said...

And if you're going frequently in public restrooms, you end up getting in lots of incidental 'squats'! So drinking water in this case is good for the thighs!

1:17 AM  

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